Randolph Girls Softball eCard Program
Heading to the Snack Stand…Realizing…No Cash ?
No Problem!!!
How many times have you realized that you or your kids would like to purchase something at the Snack Stand but just didn’t have cash on you or enough cash?
Problem solved!
Randolph Girls Softball is going hi tech in 2020, offering pre-paid cash cards that can be used at the Snack Stand and for Spirit wear. You will now be able to buy your favorite snacks and drinks without needing cash!
Purchase a prepaid cash card from Randolph Girls Softball and present it at the snack stand for all your purchases. Our system keeps track of all balances and purchases and can keep you updated on your card balance.
Take advantage of our Early Bird Special!
If you purchase a card before the start of the season (April 1st, 2020) we will add bonus money to your original fill amount (see denominations schedule below). Cards will be available for purchase all season, however the bonus money will only be available for a limited time. The bonus money offer expires on April 1st, 2020.
Purchase Price Bonus Money
$20.00 $ 1
$25.00 $ 3
$50.00 $ 6
$75.00 $ 8
$100.00 $ 15
Wait, there’s more!
You can prepay for your cash cards using PayPal!
Simply go to your Paypal Account and set up the payment to : RandolphRecSoftball@gmail.com
What do I do to get started?:
1.) Please email us at RandolphRecSoftball@gmail.com
2.) Provide your Name, Address, cell phone number, Email Address and amount you would like to put on the card. (see discount schedule).
3.) Once the payment has been received, we will process the card.
4.) Processed cards will be available for pick up at the Parent Meeting this Tuesday, March 10th at 7:00 PM. If you cannot make the Parent Meeting, they will be available on a predetermined date at Brundage Park Snack Stand once the season games begin (around April 13th).